Epic Fail - Mount Washington NH

Hi All - Generally artist’s post on social media what their latest beautiful work is, or what recently sold. All good news right? Well that isn’t actually all that takes place in the studio. Honestly, sometimes there are epic fails as well. There are paintings that get started and no matter what you do they just won’t come together the way you had envisioned before you began. They either get set aside to come back to later, completely abandoned into a dark corner of the studio, or sometimes painted over. Not everything makes it to the screen for show and tell.

This was the case for a large painting that I worked on for my own wall. I wanted a landscape that spoke of New Hampshire, something that was in organic colors that would be considered neutral in most homes. I decided to paint Mount Washington because my husband is enamored with this New Hampshire landmark. I spent quite a few days working on a 36 x 48 canvas and in the end decided to paint over it. It was a fail as far as a painting goes, but it was a learning lesson and painting anything is never a waste of time. :)